Women: Access and Equality
Women: Access and Equality
Worldwide, women face significant barriers to accessing justice, meaningful equality, and entry into elite professions and institutions. However, research shows that without women's voices as a meaningful part of the process, there is little hope for a durable peace. Too often, ignoring the important role of women in society - or paying lip service to it - impacts the viability and authenticity of stability initiatives.
Our extensive experience in the judicial, legislative, and policy aspects of promoting equality and access for women can inform your work to enhance its effectiveness and reach. Our team has worked on a full range of issues impacting women in the developing world and in the developed world, including violence against women legislation and implementation, developing and maintaining programming and projects to ensure the safety of women fleeing violence (shelters, rule of law, access to justice mechanisms), representation of women in governmental and non-governmental leadership forums, and enhancing the capacity of civil society to demand the inclusion of women and women's issues at all levels of society.
For additional information and resources about women's access to justice, representation, and equality, click here.
Contact us about a matter or engagement involving women's issues.