Access to justice

International Work

DAYLIGHT works with individuals, civil society, and governments to build justice.  We are culturally competent and we believe in the strength of communities and local understandings. Drawing on the strength of local communities, we build the capacity of organizations and individuals to transform their environments and build fairness and opportunity in their lives.  We conduct research problems to surface ongoing and endemic injustice, we conduct training to build strategy for change, and we listen and reflect culturally sensitive possibilities for organic growth and change. 


Post-conflict + transitional work

building access to justice

No shortage of needs exist in most post-conflict environments; our experience includes legislative reform (including the redrafting of substantive and procedural law), empowering civil society, building capacity among governmental institutions, and promoting citizens' understanding of the rule of law in order to encourage the use of the justice system as a forum to resolve conflict.  The challenge of encouraging and promoting nascent rule of law in post-conflict and transitional states is complicated by challenging security environments, difficulties of access, and the need for good local partners who can access every facet and the legal and educational systems and facilitate introductions.  Building relationships, developing common interests, and authentic cooperation are the only recipe for true success.  Having promoted rule of law in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and other locations, our core understanding of this is grounded in experience.

For post-conflict and transitional justice resources and information, click here.

To contact us about a post-conflict and transitional justice matter or engagement, click here.


Project Development

ideas for action

Good projects have concrete goals, clear indicators, and measurable results.  Great projects interweave donor priorities, on-the-ground contingencies, and local capacity building into their very fabric.  We can help you flush out the difference and offer a superior product that promises enhanced impact with measurable success.

Contact us to learn more.