RACIAL equity+racial JUSTICE

defining diversity.

Enduring patterns of behavior and exclusion, including structural factors, have resulted in enduring racial injustice and inequity.  This undercuts every meaningful statement of values and ideals of an institution or a community. Breaking painful and powerful legacies of racism requires clear and transparent strategies, overt communication and discourse, and dedication.

DIversity, equity, and inclusion also aligns with internal measures of success. Diversity drives innovation, reduces costs, enhances productivity, and makes companies competitive and successful.  Lip service to the need for diversity - or a lack of commitment to implementing practices to increase equity - is the professional equivalent of cutting off one's nose to spite their face.  Nevertheless, many professional organizations have had tremendous difficulty achieving meaningful diversity and reaping the rewards of an inclusive environment.

Cultural competency is the ability to relate to others meaningfully and productively.  It is a search for understanding that allows for the enactment of common goals, the creation of more effective teams, and the development of an improved set of shared ideas.  Cultural competency involves acclimatization to the norms and customs of others, as well as the translation of priorities and goals into mutually satisfactory language and expectations.  Cultural competency is both a status and an introspective process designed to enhance effectiveness, inclusiveness, and maximization of organizational goals.  It is a challenge that shouldn't be underestimated.