Afghanistan: Death Penalty at a Crossroads (2013)
Afghanistan: Death Penalty at a Crossroads in Capital Punishment: New Perspectives, 1st ed. (2013) (Farnham: Ashgate) by Daylight founder/director Dominique Day. This chapter contains original research and interviews with death row prisoners in Afghanistan and investigates their access to counsel and fair procedures, possibly the first independent death penalty research ever conducted in Afghanistan (peer-reviewed, co-authored).
“A close second [best chapter] is the groundbreaking chapter on Afghanistan by Cody and Day, which, as Hodgkinson asserts, is the first analysis in the English language on judicial capital punishment in modern Afghanistan. The chapter provides a compelling discussion of the death penalty in both law and practice, emphasizing the competing political pressures on President Hamid Karzai regarding executions. The chapter is timely, relevant, and original, encompassing both the doctrinal and the empirical.” (academic review by Andrew Novak, Adjunct Professor of Criminology, Law, and Society, George Mason University)